March 2006: Jennifer Beltz, RN

I got my nursing degree at Cox College in Springfield, Missouri, and from there I moved to Kansas City, where I finished my bachelors degree. I am currently taking on-line courses to complete my masters degree.
My entire life revolves around traveling. I get so excited about the prospect of seeing new places and experiencing new things. Becoming a travel nurse only made sense for me. The idea of working in a new environment every three months was exciting, but also scary at the same time. Everyone has heard the horror stories about how travelers are treated badly by the hospitals; this kept me from trying it for about three years. When I finally got up the courage to contact some travel agencies for information, it changed my life. Cathy, my Travel Nurse Across America recruiter, put my mind at ease and answered all of my questions. I have never looked back. I have only been traveling for about eight months, but I have enjoyed every minute of it.
I am also involved in a group who offers free medical aide to Third World countries. I have the opportunity to travel to some of the most desolate areas of the world and offer them hope. My schedule stays very busy, and Travel Nurse Across America works so hard to help me do everything.
Traveling has given me the chance to make so many new friends and live in places I had only read about. I love nursing and traveling has only increased my love for the job.
The thing that has most impressed me about Travel Nurse Across America is the amount of organization and behind the scenes work that goes into every assignment. When I arrive at my destination everything really is in order. The apartments are very nice and the hospitals are always friendly.
I am not sure where my life will take me, but I am very excited about the future!