‘Twas the Night Shift Before Christmas

The holidays can be a challenging time for travelers, especially those who are away from home for the first time. Spending Christmas apart from your loved ones is never easy, and it can be all the more stressful on your own in a new place. Here are some tips to make the best of being solo this season.
1. Spread glad tidings to other travelers.
Chances are, you won’t be the only one in your situation. Seek out other travelers in your facility or community and find creative ways to enjoy the holiday. Go see the local light displays or host a potluck. Bake Christmas cookies or watch your favorite holiday movies. There are plenty of ways to bring your favorite Christmas traditions with you on the road.
2. Get festive on the floor.
Find a few ways to spice up your scrubs in red, green or glitter. From your favorite Christmas earrings to a new set of reindeer antlers, these little touches will bring a smile to you and those around you.
3. Save your jingle for January.
If you can’t get together with friends and family on December 25th, find a time to reschedule. By celebrating after the holiday you can save money shopping for gifts during after-Christmas sales and save time by avoiding the crowded airports and roads. Don’t let the calendar dictate when you celebrate!
4. Be grateful for the gifts you have.
Working a holiday shift is not most people’s first choice, but remember that it’s only a few hours, not a lifetime. Give thanks for your able body, a job you enjoy, and the ability to provide care for those who need it. You may have to work this Christmas and you may get the next one off, but some of your patients wouldn’t have another Christmas without you!
5. Take pride in your profession.
You don’t work on Christmas because you want to, you work on Christmas because you are needed. Remember that the care you give to your patients that day will be the best gift they receive!
So, find a tiny tree and use this Christmas as an opportunity to start some new traveler traditions of your own. Merry Christmas from your TNAA family!