Getting Back into the Swing of Things After a Long Holiday

Adjusting After a Long Vacation
One of the best perks about the travel nursing lifestyle is the ability to take long vacations in between assignments. As great as a long holiday can be, it can be tough to get back into a work routine, especially if you are taking a new assignment in a new city, or working 12 hour shifts. You may feel jet-lagged, worn out, and have to adjust to a new sleeping schedule. Here are our top tips for getting back into the swing of things.
1. Ease Back Into It
Vacation can be tiring, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time walking or hiking, or if you were in a different time zone. Give yourself at least two or three days at home to unpack, readjust and practice your sleeping schedule – especially if you need to sleep during the day. You’ll feel much more motivated and refreshed on your first day back to work.
2. Start Taking Action
Before your first day back to work, make a to-do list and tackle any personal chores. If you are on a new assignment, unpack your clothing, get your furniture in place and take a tour of your new town. Stock your refrigerator and pantry so you are prepared to focus on work when you arrive.
3. Get Back on a Healthy Routine
For many people, an exercise and diet regimen is the first thing to go when you’re on vacation. Hit the ground running and re-commit to healthy eating and regular exercise before you go back to work. Spend some time preparing meals to bring to work and easy dinners that can be ready when you get home after a long shift. If you’re in a new town, find a new gym or wellness center to visit. We understand a fitness routine can be difficult for travelers, check out these tips for staying fit while on-the-go.
4. Have a Positive Attitude
Remember that you chose to be a travel nurse because you love it! Tackle your new assignment with a sense of purpose and be thankful for your job. You’ll serve your patients and co-workers best with an optimistic and confident mind.
5. Plan Your Next Vacation
There’s nothing like planning your next fun trip to make you feel better about your last vacation ending! Talk with your friends or family and get your next vacation on the calendar, and work on an agenda. Looking forward to your next adventure will help motivate you at work and you’ll have fun planning out your next holiday. Did you know we can help you plan your vacation? Check out our benefits and learn about our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and how they can help you with your work-life balance.