COVID-19 Vaccinations: FAQ

*This post was last updated on July 27, 2021.
TNAA follows facility requirements on COVID-19 vaccines. Read below for answers to frequently asked questions.
TNAA Guidelines
Q: Does TNAA mandate that I have the COVID-19 vaccine?
A: No, the COVID-19 vaccine is not required by TNAA. However, certain facilities are requiring the vaccine, so if you intend to accept an assignment at one of those facilities, you will be required to be vaccinated.
Q: Does TNAA assist in setting up my appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine(s) if it’s required by my facility?
A: No, but TNAA will reimburse for any out-of-pocket cost for the vaccine itself if it is required by the facility. However, there are free COVID-19 vaccines available in almost every city in the United States.
Q: What are the steps I need to take to prove I have had the COVID-19 vaccine administered?
A: You will have to provide TNAA a copy of your vaccination card or employee health record.
Facility Information
Q: What if I am confirmed for an upcoming assignment but have not started yet, and the facility changes the onboarding requirements by mandating the COVID vaccine?
A: To start an assignment at that specific facility, you will be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine. However, you will also have the option to opt-out of the assignment with no monetary consequences from the facility if you do not want to be vaccinated and do not qualify for a medical or religious exemption.
Q: What if I am on an assignment and the facility mandates the COVID-19 vaccine by a date before my contracted end date?
A: You will be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine to continue working and finish the assignment. However, you will also have the option to opt out of the remainder of the assignment with no monetary consequences from the facility if you do not want to be vaccinated and do not qualify for a medical or religious exemption.
Q: What if I am in TNAA housing or have received housing assistance from TNAA and I want to opt-out of my assignment due to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate?
A: You will be directed to your TNAA Housing Specialist to assist with these situations.
Q: If I take an assignment at a facility that accepts a medical or religious exemption, what are the steps I have to take to get the COVID-19 vaccine mandate waived for me?
A: Some facilities will only require that a form be completed; however, some may require a statement from a doctor or religious leader. Occasionally, these forms must also be notarized.
Q: If I am on assignment or take an assignment at a facility that mandates the COVID-19 vaccine by a specific date, do I only have to get the first dose (if Pfizer or Moderna) by that date, or do I need to have both doses administered by that date?
A: The policy will vary from facility to facility.
Q: How many weeks after I get my first dose do I have to get the second dose administered?
A: The second dose must be administered within 3-4 weeks after the first dose, depending on which vaccine you receive.
Q: At what point am I considered to be “fully vaccinated?”
A: You are considered to be fully vaccinated on the 14th day after your final COVID-19 vaccine was administered.
Q: If I have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, can I start my assignment prior to being “fully vaccinated?”
A: In most cases, yes, but the policy will vary from facility to facility.
Q: I am looking for an assignment at a specific hospital that mandates the COVID-19 vaccine, but I do not want to have it administered – can I still be submitted and request an exemption?
A: The policy will vary from facility to facility.
Q: Does TNAA know the facilities that do not mandate a COVID-19 vaccine?
A: TNAA is working diligently to identify the facilities that require the COVID-19 vaccine. Additional facilities are being added to the list daily, so it’s ever-changing.
For information on TNAA’s guidelines and facility requirements regarding COVID-19 vaccination, click here.